Top Marijuana Stocks To Watch Today? 2 Stocks For Your Watchlist


Are You Ready To Buy These Top Marijuana Stocks

U.S, (Greenentrepreneur) June 22. Many marijuana stocks are still recovering from recent lows in the market. However, since mid-May, many cannabis stocks have started to slowly climb back up. Now many factors have played into this recent uptick in trading. Nevertheless, moments of continuous volatility have also taken place. This has led to both a positive and adverse effect on how the sector has been performing. Meaning that volatility has both helped some cannabis stocks reach higher market levels as well as dropping further in trading.

This past week much of the sector was faced with a slight pullback in trading. Even though the current performance of marijuana stocks is still showing lower entry points this past week it got even lower. Yet some of these marijuana stocks have once again started to pull up in the market. Some cannabis stocks were actually able to maintain promising market levels and some even climbed higher. However, those companies were more on the ancillary and pharmaceutical side of the sector along with a select few pure-play and MSO cannabis stocks.

For investors to finally see more action take place in the sector it is providing a renewed confidence in cannabis investing. Right now shareholders are waiting for the sector to reach a high enough level to see substantial gains. In the last 3-4 months some investors were a bit nervous which led to some pulling out of their position.

Yet for the shareholders who held their position, they feel marijuana stocks will soon reach high enough levels to see better gains. The overall growth of the cannabis industry is still showing great promise. Notably with better legislation and the expansion of the top marijuana companies that are displaying true innovation. With more progress comes more opportunity especially for those looking to invest in the legal cannabis industry.

What Do You Know About These Marijuana Stocks

  1. GrowGeneration Corp. (NASDAQ:GRWG)
  2. TILT Holdings Inc. (OTC:TLLTF)

GrowGeneration Corp.

GrowGeneration Corp. is one of the leading hydroponic gardening companies in the industry. GRWG stock since the start of the downtrend back in February has shown a great deal of volatility. Even as GRWG stock was dropping some of this volatile market action played in favor of the company. For instance, the 8 days of March GRWG stock continued to fall in the market.


Yet from the 8th to the 15th of May GRWG started to bounce and this made for a 41 percent increase in trading. Now from this point, the company was able to see a bit more of a jump before eventually dropping back down. Much of this market activity took place as the company was trading down in the market. However, from May 26th to the close on 21st of June GRWG stock has been on the road to recovery. 

During this time the company saw gains of 11 percent. Currently GRWG stock is up as investors keep watch to see if this top marijuana stock will climb even higher. Back at the start of June, the company announced the launch of The company’s newly redesigned e-commerce platform now includes the option to Buy Online Pickup in Store. With the growth of Ecom, a venture like this only adds more value to the company.

Words From The Company

“We’ve seen a number of retail trends emerge – or accelerate – as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic,” said Tony Sullivan, GrowGen’s COO. “More than ever, consumers want the ease and convenience of online shopping, but with the option to avoid shipping delays or charges by picking up at their local store. With, we’ve created a streamlined online shopping experience and addressed consumer demand for in-store pick-up. Our goal is to improve our customer shopping experience nationwide, while increasing in-store and online revenue. We are very excited to kick off our omni-channel strategy with the launch of the new website.”

TILT Holdings Inc.

TILT Holdings Inc. like many other marijuana stocks has faced a bit of volatile trading over the last several months. This volatile performance has led to some ups and downs as TLLLTF stock was falling. Now even though currently, TLLTF stock is down some strides at better trading have taken place.


For example from May 5th to 13th GRWG stock saw a 20 percent drop in trading. At this time the company was averaging down in the market but from the 13th to 25th of May GRWG stock had a nice run that made for a 17 percent jump in trading. Furthermore, the company was able to sustain this climb until the 11th of June. Right after that time GRWG stock once again began to fall. 

Even with the current drop in trading investors are keeping an eye on this marijuana stock to watch to see it can recover before next month. In recent news, the company announced it has reached an agreement with the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission. This agreement is in regards to resolving concerns of the CCC. Which is for clearing the path for provisional licensure for the retail sale of adult-use and medical cannabis in Massachusetts.

Words From The CEO of TILT Holdings Inc.

“We worked diligently with the Cannabis Control Commission to resolve the investigation that has stalled our remaining state licenses for the past two years,” said Gary Santo, CEO of TILT. “We appreciate the time, effort and professionalism afforded to TILT by the CCC staff and are thrilled to have come to an amicable resolution with the Commission.
