Supporting Women in Cannabis


Continuing our theme for International Women’s Day, Kim Kovacs from Arcview joins us to discuss the need to support one another, the importance of maintaining diversity, and where opportunities in the cannabis sector are for women.

Having been an active angel investor for years, involved with Golden Seeds, Kim Kovacs also co-founded several companies, as well as being the Founder and former CEO of MyJane, a wellness technology platform for women. Bringing over twenty years of executive leadership and experience from investment companies and across technology services, Kovacs took the reins at Arcview in January of 2020.

The Arcview Group is the leading investment and market research firm focused on connecting high-net-worth individuals, institutional investors, and money managers with investment opportunities, key players, and indispensable insights to realize their goals in the cannabis sector.


As the first and only female Chair of a Broker/Dealer in the world, one of Kovac’s goals is to open doors, normalizing women in these positions. She said upon accepting the created position of President, “We’re at a pivotal time in the cannabis industry, and I look forward to leading Arcview members through the growth of the industry as legalization opens up new markets and opportunities.”

Kovac projects that very same energy and enthusiasm towards all who are looking to cannabis. Boldly joining those who are leading the way in this swiftly growing and ever-changing industry. She says, “Building a healthy and diverse investing environment is the natural next step,” we need to be asking, “What is it we are trying to accomplish, together?”

In that spirit, the Women’s Inclusion Network, or WIN, is Kim’s favorite part of Arcview. Matching up women with other women or men depending on their goals to benefit one another within the set of parameters and goals they are determined to accomplish. Promoting the willingness to collaborate, providing a space for networking, and forging ahead on the path to remove the divisive words that perpetuate societal issues, creating an environment for everyone to participate in is a huge part of that blueprint.

Bottom line: you need to consider all perspectives in any business model. To do so, you need to involve all viewpoints.


“We all have our genius…You know yours, I know mine, and if we really come together and really collaborate, we can then create something really special.” Find your genius. Find where in cannabis it applies and start doing the research, see where you fit in. The advice is solid. With daily advancements and such rapid growth, there is room for everyone, whether you make clothing or cookies, write systems for agriculture, or point of sales. If you’re a seasoned investor, a CPA, or have a really green thumb, there is a place and a need for you in cannabis.

That being said, with recent changes in the Federal administration, more states are looking at and changing their laws, increasing overall acceptance of cannabis, including seeing it labeled as “essential” during this pandemic, thus highlighting the need for more collaboration, more inclusiveness, and overall diversity.

Tune in to the podcast to hear Kim’s thoughts on the incredible things women are doing in cannabis, how she keeps her busy life balanced, and the momentum the cannabis industry has going deeper into 2021.
